I did a magazine about horror films and promoting horror films. I really like my magazine, because of the colours I have used. I have kept in the colours of three. I also like how well the colours have come together. I like the style of how I have layed the magazine out I think it very straight forward.
Before I could start my magazine, I analysed some before hand, seeing the layouts and the what they used in the front cover of the magazine. What I found was that a lot of magazines which is like my magazine was that they all had the similar layout to what I did. They had the big highlights and the big fonts. If I was to change the layout I would probably put them on the other side and change the position of the actor.
How I did my magazine was on Photoshop I didn't know how to use Photoshop that well cause I've only used it once before, as you can see in my trail poster. I then developed my skills to and made it look better by looking at simple tips on how to use it. What I did was I changed the way it looked as you can see on my blogger, the start of my magazine wasn't the best. But I had a little fiddle with it and changed the colour and the contrast of the shot and made it look like it stands out.
I really like how I have done my magazine because even though I had to mess about and change a lot of the stuff to get the end result I think it was worth it. If I was to do it again I would change the contrast of the Actors face because it looks really dull and really dark, on the magazine. Also If I were to do it again I would also edit the picture better, because when I did it I have to cut around Myles head so it didn't look right but I fixed it in Photoshop. But as a result you can see some white spots round it , were I haven't deleted them, If I were to do it I would blend them in more so you couldn't see it as much.
How I did it.
How I did my magazine front cover was I started off by taking a photograph of Myles I had to do a few trail shots of a medium close up. I then added the tag line and put a white stroke on it so that it stood out from the dark red background. I then I put the text into a white bold font and in big writing so that you can
see the text from a far distance. I also added headline at the top . I
have put exclusive in red so it stands out. I then added the date and price of the magazine and added the text on top of the yellow board. I also added a red box and changed the front and took the stroke off the
Best film of the year tagline, because I thought it would look better.put it in black and white so that it looks a bit like the Skyfall kind of scene with the black and white background.I used the colour yellow to make it more vibrant. I also changed the
title instead of red to white and put a stroke on it. I put a small drop
shadow on the title of the magazine.
How Effective it is
From my magazine I like the colour scheme, the colours are dark. I like how the yellow colour on the magazine because it stands out like it's saying you need to buy this magazine. I like how I have made the actor the main focus in the magazine because it will make people want to buy it also. As well as if it's a main well known actor people will buy the magazine simply just for that reason. The writing is big so that it captures the readers attention I think this is crucial when selling a magazine because if you have it really small the reader wouldn't know what it says and it wouldn't stand out from the rest of the magazines. What I also like about the magazine is how it doesn't just have one story to it, it has a couple of different stories on the front of the page, so it gives the audience a variety of subjects to read. The best bit about the magazine I think is the title page and how its a play on words, it makes the the reader remember the magazine.
My Influences
One of my aim influences was one of the magazine which was the one from sky fall, I really liked the colour scheme, And I choosen this colour scheme for my magazine because of how effective it is and how well it stands out from page. My other influence for my magazine was the magazine analysis 3 which I did with Avatar. This influenced me because I liked how they made his face come over the top of the title and the boarder on top. As you can see in my magazine I have done something similar to this with my actors face.
How Effective it is
From my magazine I like the colour scheme, the colours are dark. I like how the yellow colour on the magazine because it stands out like it's saying you need to buy this magazine. I like how I have made the actor the main focus in the magazine because it will make people want to buy it also. As well as if it's a main well known actor people will buy the magazine simply just for that reason. The writing is big so that it captures the readers attention I think this is crucial when selling a magazine because if you have it really small the reader wouldn't know what it says and it wouldn't stand out from the rest of the magazines. What I also like about the magazine is how it doesn't just have one story to it, it has a couple of different stories on the front of the page, so it gives the audience a variety of subjects to read. The best bit about the magazine I think is the title page and how its a play on words, it makes the the reader remember the magazine.
My Influences
One of my aim influences was one of the magazine which was the one from sky fall, I really liked the colour scheme, And I choosen this colour scheme for my magazine because of how effective it is and how well it stands out from page. My other influence for my magazine was the magazine analysis 3 which I did with Avatar. This influenced me because I liked how they made his face come over the top of the title and the boarder on top. As you can see in my magazine I have done something similar to this with my actors face.
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