From my final edit, I added some reviews to make it sound really good, and to get people to buy the DVD, from how scary the reviews sound. I have also added a sticker like add on the front page saying about ow you get a special behind the scenes footage. I added the title for on the front cover and also added the tag tine there are two sides to every secret. I also added a box around the picture on the spine so it fitted in and just tided it u a little bit.
From my DVD sleeve I can tell it looks like student one because of how it looks. but I really like the pictures I have took and they do look realistic I think it's just the sticker on the front cover that makes it look like one. I think if I were to do it again I wouldn't put one of them on because of how it looks, or make it look better that it does. What I do like about the DVD sleeve is the back cover. It looks really busy but really simple at the same time. I like hoe I have tried to use the same colours throughout my digital graphics, and how well the picture of Beth blurs round the text.
Before I started my DVD sleeve I analysed other ones which were well known and some of them looked really good and simple I got my idea from the one from Saw because of how it looks. I wanted mine to look like a horror film and I think the audience can see that not just from the pictures but from the colours and from the blub at the back as well and the reviews.
I am very pleased with my DVD sleeve because I didn't think it would turn out as good as I thought. it reminds me of an independent film the way it looks. But overall it seems to look okay. I did a voice over to tell you how I created it and on it I go through the steps of how I made it.
How I did it
How I did my DVD sleeve, is I started off by putting an image of Will on the front cover, I did it on a green screen and put an image on the back of it to make it look like a scary room. I put in the certificates on and all the copy right stuff. I put a black background I did a lot of work in Photoshop, placing pictures and the text around the DVD sleeve. I did a couple of trial scripts for the blurb as well. I thought it looks okay when I finished it because the whole idea of my idea was to create horror and I think it does this.
How Effective it is
I think the DVD sleeve is quite effective it has everything in it that makes a DVD sleeve. I do think my DVD sleeve looks cheap but I think it looks good as an independent film. There is a credit box which has lots of directors it, they have special features on the back to try and get people to buy it who have already seen the film. It has a bar code to distablish what film it is, it also has a DVD logo and the company name on the back as well. The back of the cover has a blurb that tells you about the film and what's going in it. There are extras that goes in the film which in this film there are quite a lot of, this is to promote and publish the film for people who have already seen it. They have the credits and have a table which has information about the language and the certificate rating ect of the film.
My Influences
For my DVD sleeve I have been influenced by the Hostel DVD cover. The reason for this is that the front cover doesn't hide anything away. I like the fact that the image is really graphic and it catches the viewers attention. Straight away you can tell it's a horror film with lots of gore and that is what I wanted my DVD cover to be like which i think I have done quite well, considering that we didn't have as much access to tools and other electronic equitment. Also what I liked about this DVD sleeve is how simple the spline is. The back of the cover is neatly laid out and I like how they have snapshotted a couple of the scenes to dramaticises the gore in the film. In my DVD sleeve I have used the layout of the hostel.
From my DVD sleeve I can tell it looks like student one because of how it looks. but I really like the pictures I have took and they do look realistic I think it's just the sticker on the front cover that makes it look like one. I think if I were to do it again I wouldn't put one of them on because of how it looks, or make it look better that it does. What I do like about the DVD sleeve is the back cover. It looks really busy but really simple at the same time. I like hoe I have tried to use the same colours throughout my digital graphics, and how well the picture of Beth blurs round the text.
Before I started my DVD sleeve I analysed other ones which were well known and some of them looked really good and simple I got my idea from the one from Saw because of how it looks. I wanted mine to look like a horror film and I think the audience can see that not just from the pictures but from the colours and from the blub at the back as well and the reviews.
I am very pleased with my DVD sleeve because I didn't think it would turn out as good as I thought. it reminds me of an independent film the way it looks. But overall it seems to look okay. I did a voice over to tell you how I created it and on it I go through the steps of how I made it.
How I did it
How I did my DVD sleeve, is I started off by putting an image of Will on the front cover, I did it on a green screen and put an image on the back of it to make it look like a scary room. I put in the certificates on and all the copy right stuff. I put a black background I did a lot of work in Photoshop, placing pictures and the text around the DVD sleeve. I did a couple of trial scripts for the blurb as well. I thought it looks okay when I finished it because the whole idea of my idea was to create horror and I think it does this.
How Effective it is
I think the DVD sleeve is quite effective it has everything in it that makes a DVD sleeve. I do think my DVD sleeve looks cheap but I think it looks good as an independent film. There is a credit box which has lots of directors it, they have special features on the back to try and get people to buy it who have already seen the film. It has a bar code to distablish what film it is, it also has a DVD logo and the company name on the back as well. The back of the cover has a blurb that tells you about the film and what's going in it. There are extras that goes in the film which in this film there are quite a lot of, this is to promote and publish the film for people who have already seen it. They have the credits and have a table which has information about the language and the certificate rating ect of the film.
My Influences
For my DVD sleeve I have been influenced by the Hostel DVD cover. The reason for this is that the front cover doesn't hide anything away. I like the fact that the image is really graphic and it catches the viewers attention. Straight away you can tell it's a horror film with lots of gore and that is what I wanted my DVD cover to be like which i think I have done quite well, considering that we didn't have as much access to tools and other electronic equitment. Also what I liked about this DVD sleeve is how simple the spline is. The back of the cover is neatly laid out and I like how they have snapshotted a couple of the scenes to dramaticises the gore in the film. In my DVD sleeve I have used the layout of the hostel.
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