The front cover of the DVD sleeve is really simple it has a title which is one of the first things you see and then your eyes look to the left a little and you see an un human face, which is really effective and cleavely done. What they have also done on this front cover is they have put the tag line under the title so you read it after. There isnt much on the front cover it's very simple it doesn't have the DVD logo or any actors names on it to grab the attention of buyers. It doesn't even have a certificate rating on the DVD which I thought it might of.
On the spine of the DVD sleeve it has the title which you normally see on the spine, the writing stands out from everything else on the spine. What it does have though is the company logo's and the DVD and HD one as well which is probally one of the things that sells the movie.
On the back cover of the DVD sleeve there is lots going on. They have the logo's again on the back but this time with a quote that says the best picture sound and interactivity which shows they are trying to get people to buy it. They have snap shots from the film so that you know what the film is sort of about, and they also have quiet a lot of special features as well which is quiet interesting because normally it's just exta time or behind the scenes. What they have also done which I like is that they have said what types of language you can watch the film in so it gets a wider range of people. It has a blurb of what the film is about and they have a title block of the cast and crew and the producers which I think is quite nice.
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