I really like this DVD sleeve of Saw because it shows exactly what is in the film. This is how I want to make my like with the dark setting so that it makes it look mysterious.
On the front cover of the DVD sleeve you can see that it's something sinister. and something groomsmen. immediately you can see it's a horror from the amount of black and red on the front cover. There is light shining on the chair with the red haired women looking like she is getting tortured. The light indicates its somewhere deserted because the picture is very simple but effective. Also on the front cover which you don't normally see is the date of release, this might be because the DVD might of been advertised before it came out. They also have the title block at the front of the DVD which is very unusual because it is normally on the back. The DVD front cover is very different from the poster, the DVD gives more detail like you have already watched the film , whereas the poster of saw is more towards the fact that you have already seen it or heard about it and want to watch it. The more gruesome the front cover looks the more likely someone is going to buy it. Because Saw is a sequel then they don't need to put stars on the front cover, because people would buy the DVD anyway because they might or have already got the other sequels to the other Saw's. But what it does have is the famous Saw title and a tagline at the top.
The spine on the DVD sleeve doesn't have the title SAW but it has a quote from the film which is said in the other films, saying you want to play a game. When the buyer read its they will instantly no that it's Saw. Also on the spine it has the DVD logo and production company logo as well, it also has a small picture of the puppet from what jigsaw uses in the film.
The back cover has the title Saw, which makes it quite unique because they don't normally put the title on the back as well. What I like about this front cover is that it doesn't give you any special effects which is quite unusual considering that is what most DVD covers do to try and get the buyer to buy it. On the back it has a bar code and other technical information on it as well. What it doesn't have on at all is the BBFC and the parental guidance certificate. What it does have though is picture or snap shots of the film on the back what I do like is how they have done it, buy putting them in like an actual picture like it has happened.
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