Wednesday, 9 January 2013

DVD analyse 4 - Something To Scream About

The front of the DVD sleeve looks cheap and looks like it has been done in the 1980's because of the style and the appearance. On the font cover it has a DVD logo  and special features to promote the film. There is a title which is not in your face there seems to be a lot of text on the front cover which I don't like.

On the spine, there is a a nude picture of a women, which may try and grab the attention of men. There is also the DVD logo and a title on the spine, and the company logo.

On the back there is a lot going on, there is a picture of each of the characters  and they have the blurb on what the movie is about. There is a credit box which has lots of directors it, they have special features on the back to try and get people to buy it who have already seen the film.  It has a bar code to distablish what film it is, it also has a DVD logo and the company name on the back as well.

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