Thursday, 17 January 2013

Magazine Analyse 3 - Avatar

 I really like this movie magazine, I like how they have made the poster blue but what I do like is how they have made the main character on the front of the poster. Also what I have noticed is that they have put the image above the title of the magazine. I like how they have blended the colours of the different blues so that you can properly see the character.

On the magazine the colour of the text is white there is only one bit of text which is blue and a bit of grey. I think this is really distinctive because of the simple effect that they have done by making the markings of the head. This is the first thing you see on the poster and then you start to drift out and read the different points.

There is also above the  title is a list of things that are inside the magazine. This is a good way to get people to buy the magazine, because if people notice the things on the top they may want to buy the magazine purely on the things inside.

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