Wednesday, 30 January 2013


I did a magazine about horror films and promoting horror films. I really like my magazine, because of the colours I have used. I have kept in the colours of three. I also like how well the colours have come together. I like the style of how I have layed the magazine out I think it very straight forward.

Before I could start my magazine, I analysed some before hand, seeing the layouts and the what they used in the front cover of the magazine. What I found was that a lot of magazines which is like my magazine was that they all had the similar layout to what I did. They had the big highlights and the big fonts. If I was to change the layout I would probably put them on the other side and change the position of the actor.

How I did my magazine was on Photoshop I didn't know how to use Photoshop that well cause I've only used it once before, as you can see in my trail poster. I then developed my skills to and made it look better by looking at simple tips on how to use it. What I did was I changed the way it looked as you can see on my blogger, the start of my magazine wasn't the best. But I had a little fiddle with it and changed the colour and the contrast of the shot and made it look like it stands out.

I really like how I have done my magazine because even though I had to mess about and change a lot of the stuff to get the end result I think it was worth it. If I was to do it again I would change the contrast of the Actors face because it looks really dull and really dark, on the magazine. Also If I were to do it again I would also edit the picture better, because when I did it I have to cut around Myles head so it didn't look right but I fixed it in Photoshop. But as a result you can see some white spots round it , were I haven't deleted them, If I were to do it I would blend them in more so you couldn't see it as much.

 How I did it.
How I did my magazine front cover was  I started off by taking a photograph of Myles I had to do a few trail shots of a medium close up. I then added the tag line and put a white stroke on it so that it stood out from the dark red background. I  then I put the text into a white bold font and in big writing so that you can see the text from a far distance. I also added headline at the top . I have put exclusive in red so it stands out. I then added the date and price of the magazine and added the text on top of the yellow board. I also added a red box and changed the front and took the stroke off the Best film of the year tagline, because I thought it would look better.put it in black and white so that it looks a bit like the Skyfall kind of scene with the black and white background.I used the colour yellow to make it more vibrant. I also changed the title instead of red to white and put a stroke on it. I put a small drop shadow on the title of the magazine.

How Effective it is
From my magazine I like the colour scheme, the colours are dark. I like how the yellow colour on the magazine because it stands out like it's saying you need to buy this magazine.  I like how I have made the actor the main focus in the magazine because it will make people want to buy it also. As well as if it's a main well known actor people will buy the magazine simply just for that reason. The writing is big so that it captures the readers attention I think this is crucial when selling a magazine because if you have it really small the reader wouldn't know what it says and it wouldn't stand out from the rest of the magazines. What I also like about the magazine is how it doesn't just have one story to it, it has a couple of different stories on the front of the page, so it gives the audience a variety of subjects to read. The best bit about the magazine I think is the title page and how its a play on words, it makes the the reader remember the magazine.

My Influences
One of my aim influences was one of the magazine which was the one from sky fall, I really liked the colour scheme, And I choosen this colour scheme for my magazine because of how effective it is and how well it stands out from page. My other influence for my magazine was the magazine analysis 3 which I did with Avatar. This influenced me because I liked how they made his face come over the top of the title and the boarder on top. As you can see in my magazine I have done something similar to this  with my actors face.


I have changed my magazine quite a lot what I have done is I have decided that I will put it in black and white so that it looks a bit like the Skyfall kind of scene with the black and white background I also thought of a different name, I did this by thinking of what relates to a film, I did a mind map of all the different words, then I thought about how to make it stand out so, I used the colour yellow to make it more vibrant. I also changed the title instead of red to white and put a stroke on it. I put a small drop shadow on the title of the magazine.

 I then added the date and price of the magazine and added the text on top of the yellow board. I tried a lot of different fonts to get it to be bold and make it stand out on the yellow background. I also expanded the title so it was in the audiences face. I also added a red box and changed the front and took the stroke off the Best film of the year tagine, because I thought it would look better and now I have done it I think it contrasts well with the title.
This is my final magazine cover I think it looks really good, I put the text into a white bold font and in big writing so that you can see the text from a far distance. I also added headline at the top . I have put exclusive in red so it stands out like on the Skyfall magazine, it's like a must see thing in the magazine.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Differnt colour backgrounds for my magazine

I have put a new background onto my magazine cover because I didn't like the red background that I did because it doesn't look right and when I looked at magazines more closely I realized that none of the magazines haven't got a fill colour. I got the house image from the internet but I have blurred it a little.

I have done exactly the same thing apart from I put the image in black and white so because I wanted to see what it would look like and what effect it did to the magazine cover. What I would do is change the colour of the text so that It can stand out and make the text bolder.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Update on magazine

What I have done so far is I have added the tag line and put a white stroke on it so that it stood out from the dark red background. I have also added a red title line saying shattered on it to make it stand out from the page I have also put a black stroke on this to make it attract the audience. I added text on the side of the image, I did this because in my research lots of magazines have quite a lot of text on the front cover.

I have decided though that the text is to small so, next time I'm going to make the text bigger so that the audience can see it clearly instead of squinting at it.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

magazine 5- ANALYSE

I really like how this magazine has been done with the film laid out like an office or a building with all gadget stuff. I also like how they have used the mind blowing issue, because the film is about the mind and about his dreams. With this movie magazine it's really busy and has lots of things on it, it has the title of the film in big bold letters so it the first thing you see, it's like the title is in bedded  with the background. It also gives you extra things to have a look at like the 27 most mind blowing movies, they are constantly using things to do with the mind all over the front cover of this magazine and that is the key to inception.

I also like how they have used blue, red and silver for there colour scheme which I think is really good and quite effective because it's unique and not many magazines don't use these colours and try to avoid them.

magazine anaysle 4

I really like how they have done this magazine about Skyfall, I like how they have stuck to the 3 colour rule for the magazine. It is really busy which is one of the things I like about this magazine, it has in your face headlines which stands out from the picture.

I also like how they have used the red to sign emergency like you have to read it. Like how they have done world exclusive and unseen pictures of Skyfall to make you want to buy the magazine. I think this is a really good way to make people buy it. They have big writing to grab the attention as well and the use of how they have use the colours is a great contrast. 

They also have stories that are in the magazine so that if people don't want to read about Skyfall then they can read other things, so they are trying to appeal to a wider audience of people.

Magazine Analyse 3 - Avatar

 I really like this movie magazine, I like how they have made the poster blue but what I do like is how they have made the main character on the front of the poster. Also what I have noticed is that they have put the image above the title of the magazine. I like how they have blended the colours of the different blues so that you can properly see the character.

On the magazine the colour of the text is white there is only one bit of text which is blue and a bit of grey. I think this is really distinctive because of the simple effect that they have done by making the markings of the head. This is the first thing you see on the poster and then you start to drift out and read the different points.

There is also above the  title is a list of things that are inside the magazine. This is a good way to get people to buy the magazine, because if people notice the things on the top they may want to buy the magazine purely on the things inside.

Magazine Cover Anaylse 2 - Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

The colours of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory is really bright and colourful. They are really vibrant colours because it's a  family film so it needs to grab the audiences attention.  This film magazine compared to the last, this one has more information on it.

It stands out more, it says about the stars, like the main character who is in it - Johnny Depp and because it's a well known classic everyone knows it anyway. Also it has a star rating to make entice people to watch the film more. With the magazine movie poster it has other promotions on other films. It has a bar code so  you can establish what it is when you scan it in. On the move magazine it has a tagline saying ' the ultimate movie magazine' this grabs the attention of the audience and makes people want to buy the magazine not  just purely on the picture of the new film.

Magazine Analyse 1 - Social Networking

 I think this is a good magazine poster for a film, the film is about the internet and how people connect to each other. This poster I this is really cleverly done they have made a poster up with a load of little photographs of people. with this poster you have to properly look at it to actually get what it's about.

What I have noticed when looking at magazine film posters is that they make the font so it goes with the film. Like in this one they have made up 'FILM' with loads of little faces in it. The only thing that isn't within the magazine poster is the title of the film, it also has the tagline which I like because it says about the film and the social networking  site that everyone knows. 

The colours of the magazine are really dark colours, the only part of the magazine which has any colour is the title. But it's weird because the smaller pictures are in colour.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

video blog of my final DVD sleeve

 This is on quick time program which I have used.  It tells you how I developed my DVD sleeve to how I got it to the final stage.

My Final DVD Sleeve Evaluation

From my final edit, I added some reviews to make it sound really good,  and to get people to buy the DVD, from how scary the reviews sound. I have also added a sticker like add on the front page saying about ow you get a special behind the scenes footage. I added the title for on the front cover and also added the tag tine there are two sides to every secret. I also added a box around the picture on the spine so it fitted in and just tided it u a little bit.

From my DVD sleeve I can tell it looks like  student one because of how it looks. but I really like the pictures I have took and they do look realistic I think it's just the sticker on the front cover that makes it look like one. I think if I were to do it again I wouldn't put one of them on because of how it looks, or make it look better that it does. What I do like about the DVD sleeve is the back cover. It looks really busy but really simple at the same time. I like hoe I have tried to use the same colours throughout my digital graphics, and how well the picture of Beth blurs round the text.

Before I started my DVD sleeve I analysed other ones which were well known and some of them looked really good and simple I got my idea from the one from Saw because of how it looks. I wanted mine to look like a horror film and I think the audience can see that not just from the pictures but from the colours and from the blub at the back as well and the reviews.

I am very pleased with my DVD sleeve because I didn't think it would turn out as good as I thought. it reminds me of an independent film the way it looks. But overall it seems to look okay. I did a voice over to tell you how I created it and on it I go through the steps of how I made it.

How I did it
How I did my DVD sleeve, is I started off by putting an image of Will on the front cover, I did it on a green screen and put an image on the back of it to make it look like a scary room. I put in the certificates on and all the copy right stuff.  I put a black background I did a lot of work in Photoshop, placing pictures and the text around the DVD sleeve.  I did a couple of trial scripts for the blurb as well. I thought it looks okay when I finished it because the whole idea of my idea was to create horror and I think it does this.

How Effective it is
I think the DVD sleeve is quite effective it has everything in it that makes a DVD sleeve. I do think my DVD sleeve looks cheap but I think it looks good as an independent film. There is a credit box which has lots of directors it, they have special features on the back to try and get people to buy it who have already seen the film.  It has a bar code to distablish what film it is, it also has a DVD logo and the company name on the back as well. The back of the cover has a blurb that tells you about the film and what's going in it. There are extras that goes in the film which in this film there are quite a lot of, this is to promote and publish the film for people who have already seen it. They have the credits and have a table which has information about the language and the certificate rating ect of the film. 

My Influences
For my DVD sleeve I have been influenced by the Hostel DVD cover. The reason for this is that the front cover doesn't hide anything away. I like the fact that the image is really graphic and it catches the viewers attention. Straight away you can tell it's a horror film with lots of gore and that is what I wanted my DVD cover to be like which i think I have done quite well, considering that we didn't have as much access to tools and other electronic equitment. Also what I liked about this DVD sleeve is how simple the spline is. The back of the cover is neatly laid out and I like how they have snapshotted a couple of the scenes to dramaticises the gore in the film. In my DVD sleeve I have used the layout of the hostel.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Update of my magazine

This is an update of my magazine, what I have done is I have added colour to to my magazine by putting a red background on it, I have also added a boarder around the the title so it stands out I have done this because it makes it the first thing you see. 

I have also added some text above the the title saying what's going to be in the magazine to catch people's attention, I have also added a photograph of the main character Myles which I have made him black and white, which I thought was a good idea.

Monday, 14 January 2013


What I have done from the previous lession is I have decided to change the background to make it all black, I did this because I thought it looks better and it makes you look at the screen shots in more detail because there isn't anything in the background. I have also added a strip of screen shots in black and white to make it look different and to make the viewer to think about the setting and the colours with in it.  I also put a text box so I can put the special effects in the film.  I also got an image which I took of Beth and darkened her so she went into the black, to give the viewer a feel of what's going to happen in the movie without giving to much away.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

My DVD sleeve so far

 From what I have updated I have put an image on the front cover  I did this by taking the photograph and putting it in photoshop and changed the lighting of the photograph so it looked like he was in the same place because of the lighting. I have also edited it so that it looks like it's in a house but its abandoned. I have also moved the text to the other side and re coloured it. When I looked into the DVD sleeves I relised that it's normally a different picture on the back, so what I have done is I have got an image off the internet of a house because that is were the main setting is going to be. I then tried to fade it into the background so it doesn't stand out as much. I did this on photoshop as well as putting the black around the image so it looks more creepy.

Photographs I have took for my DVD sleeve

These pictures are what I have took with an SLR camera. These shot I wanted to take for my DVD sleeve with these photographs I tried getting some shots of someone being tied up looking distressed I also got the victim and the killer putting petrol around him and on him. I also got a close up of the person I want to be a killer.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

DVD anaylse 5 - Hostel DVD Sleeve

The front cover of the DVD sleeve is really graphic and relates to the film really well. From the front cover and the tag line you can tell that it's going to be gruesome. The front cover is really simple it has a certificate rating and the presenters name at the top of the page, it does have a extra bit saying that it can't be rated because it's so horrific.

The spine has the DVD logo and a picture of a person above it. Which you normally get on the spine. What it also has is a title in the middle and company logo of at the top of the page.

The back of the cover has a blurb that tells you about the film and what's going in it. There are extras that goes in the film which in this film there are quite a lot of, this is to promote and publish the film for people who have already seen it. They have the credits and have a table which has a lot of information about the language and the certificate rating ect of the film.

DVD analyse 4 - Something To Scream About

The front of the DVD sleeve looks cheap and looks like it has been done in the 1980's because of the style and the appearance. On the font cover it has a DVD logo  and special features to promote the film. There is a title which is not in your face there seems to be a lot of text on the front cover which I don't like.

On the spine, there is a a nude picture of a women, which may try and grab the attention of men. There is also the DVD logo and a title on the spine, and the company logo.

On the back there is a lot going on, there is a picture of each of the characters  and they have the blurb on what the movie is about. There is a credit box which has lots of directors it, they have special features on the back to try and get people to buy it who have already seen the film.  It has a bar code to distablish what film it is, it also has a DVD logo and the company name on the back as well.


This is what I have done so far on my DVD sleeve. What I did was I made a template of a DVD sleeve, I then put on the title of my DVD sleeve I did this by getting my poster and opening it on Photoshop I then re-sized it and placed it on the spine of y DVD cover.

I then picked out of my two storyline ideas and decided to go with idea 2. I chosen this because I thought my first Idea gave a lot of the plot away and instead of wanting the buyer to buy the DVD I basically told the story to my DVD.






DVD case analyse 3 for Dawn Of The Dead

The front cover of the DVD sleeve is really simple it has a title which is one of the first things you see and then your eyes look to the left a little and you see an un human face, which is really effective and cleavely done. What they have also done on this front cover is they have put the tag line under the title so you read it after. There isnt much on the front cover it's very simple it doesn't have the DVD logo or any actors names on it to grab the attention of buyers. It doesn't even have a certificate rating on the DVD which I thought it might of.

On the spine of the DVD sleeve it has the title which you normally see on the spine, the writing stands out from everything else on the spine. What it does have though is the company logo's and the DVD and HD one as well which is probally one of the things that sells the movie.

On the back cover of the DVD sleeve there is lots going on. They have the logo's again on the back but this time with a quote that says the best picture sound and interactivity which shows they are trying to get people to buy it. They have snap shots from the film so that you know what the film is sort of about, and they also have quiet a lot of special features as well which is quiet interesting because normally it's just exta time or behind the scenes. What they have also done which I like is that they have said what types of language you can watch the film in so it gets a wider range of people. It has a blurb of what the film is about and they have a title block of the cast and crew and the producers which I think is quite nice.

DVD sleeve analyse 2 - for The Skeleton Key

The front of the DVD sleeve is like a mystery so you are wondering whats happening in the film. If you have already watched the film then you will be able to understand the picture on the front. The front is very simple it doesn't have a certificate rating on the front of it. What it does have though is the actors name, so it makes you want to watch it purely on the actor. This is a good selling point on the movie if the have a good actor. The title on the front really stands out and it makes you wounder whats going to happen in the movie.

The spine has the title on it, the spine is really simple and doesn't give much away. It doesn't have a image of the actor or something from the film. all that the spine has is some co- production companies like universal. What it does have though is it says it can be in HD which some films don't have. it also has the DVD logo on the spine as well, but apart from that the spine is just simple and get the attention from the title.

On the back cover they have pictures from the movie which I have noticed more and more on other DVD sleeves. On this particular on though I have noticed that the pictures are more transparent were the text is at the top. This is how I want my back cover to look similar like because I think it looks really effective.  What they also have on the back cover, is a blurb telling you what the film is about this is one of the most crucial things on the back cover because this is what the person reads, its got to want them to buy it. On this DVD sleeve it doesn't have any special effects or a bar code or a certificate rating which is really unusual for a DVD sleeve not to have. I t does have a title block though.

DVD case analyse 1- saw

I really like this DVD sleeve of Saw because it shows exactly what is in the film. This is how I want to make my like with the dark setting so that it makes it look mysterious.

On the front cover of the DVD sleeve you can see that it's something sinister. and something groomsmen. immediately you can see it's a horror from the amount of black and red on the front cover. There is light shining on the chair with the red haired women looking like she is getting tortured. The light indicates its somewhere deserted because the picture is very simple but effective. Also on the front cover which you don't normally see is the date of release, this might be because the DVD might of been advertised before it came out. They also have the title block at the front of the DVD which is very unusual because it is normally on the back.  The DVD front cover is very different from the poster, the DVD gives more detail like you have already watched the film , whereas the poster of saw is more towards the fact that you have already seen it or heard about it and want to watch it. The more gruesome the front cover looks the more likely someone is going to buy it. Because Saw is a sequel then they don't need to put stars on the front cover, because people would buy the DVD anyway because they  might or have already got the other sequels to the other Saw's. But what it does have is the famous Saw title and a tagline at the top.

The spine on the DVD sleeve doesn't have the title SAW but it has  a quote from the film which is said in the other films,  saying you want to play a game. When the buyer read its they will instantly no that it's Saw. Also on the spine it has  the DVD logo and production company logo as well, it also has a small picture of the puppet from what jigsaw uses in the film.

The back cover has the title Saw, which makes it quite unique because they don't normally put the title on the back as well. What I like about this front cover is that it doesn't give you any special effects which is quite unusual considering that is what most DVD covers do to try and get the buyer to buy it. On the back it has a bar code and other technical information on it as well. What it doesn't have on at all is the BBFC and the parental guidance certificate. What it does have though is picture or snap shots of the film on the back what I do like is how they have done it, buy putting them in like an actual picture like it has happened.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Start of my magazine

This is the beginning of my magazine cover, What I have done is I have done the title, which I have named  total command, I have tried to make it similar to total films magazine, because I like the style of how they have presented it. 

What I have also done is I have done a title of my film and put something that would catch the eye of people, so I have put the best film of the year 2012. I have done the title in red to make it stand out, I have done the 3 colour scheme, red, white and black. 

I have put the bar code and at the side because when I have looked into film magazines I have noticed that it's always sideways.  

Friday, 4 January 2013



My title of my DVD sleeve is going to be called shattered, and it’s going to be the extra to my poster that I have created. The basic storyline is going to be about a schizophrenic person who has two sides to him. The first side of him is really nice and goes out to nightclubs and pubs and get girls to come back to his house for a couple of more drinks. Then when the time is right the other personality come out and he is dark and uses different weapons to kill the victims. On the front cover of my DVD sleeve its going to be a man who is tied up and in a abandoned house which is his, I then am going to on the back put some pictures up from the movie so that the audience know what the film is about. This is going to capture the eye of the audience because you will have to really look at the pictures to understand what’s happening because they will be in black and white.

With my film I’m going to use Photoshop and a video camera and a SLR. I am using these to create my film I want to use Photoshop because I want to get the best out of my images. I am going to use Photoshop for all my work on my DVD because I find it an easier to use. I’m using the SLR camera so that I get the best quality picture I can for my DVD sleeve instead of using a compact camera that doesn’t give the best quality of the picture.

My intended audience is people who like horror/ thriller films, there is a lot of horror films on the market so I’m going to have a small affect that will want people to buy my DVD.  My audience is going to be over 15 years old because that the certificate rating so it can’t be any younger than that. But from my research some younger people under 15 probably will buy my DVD because they can get other people to buy it for them.

My style for my DVD sleeve is going to be black wash on the back cover, so that they will be able to see the text and pictures. My style of colour is going to be 3 colour red, black and white, the reason why I choosen these colours is because they are the colours that are normally associated with horror films.  My title is going to be a deep red, I want it this colour because I don’t want the title to stand out my the bright red, I want the buyer to properly see the movie inside out so that they get the idea of the film.

Basically it’s a man who has two personalities one really friendly and the other one is evil and goes on a killing spree. The man goes and gets girls not knowing that the dominant one comes out and kills whomever he is with. Everyone in the neighborhood knows him as a nice person they don’t know the real him. In the film it’s going to be natural lighting when it in the day and when the other personality comes out it starts to get darker lighting and some dark background music. Then when they are contrasting going in and out of different personalities you start to see the power of the darker personality getting more dominate.

The length of the size of my DVD sleeve is going to be 27.5cm by 18.5cm the whole width of the DVD the size of the spine is 1.5cm and the front and back of the cover is going to be 13cm.