In this poster you can see it's dark and looks misterious. The tagline says someone is missing, and it makes the audience want to know more about the film. With the image the main focus of the poster is the match that is the brightest image which catches your eye.
The information on the poster has a lot of detail and gives a clear insight of what the film is about. I think the poster tells you alot about were the film is set and gives you an idea of what the film is about. With there so much going on in the film it shows that it's not a simple film and it's more complicated than you might think.
The poster is really effective and really unique in the way they have put the man over the top of the prison island. I think the audience for this film would be people who like Leonardo Dicaprio and people who like edgy films, And the way this poster protrays the film with the title format as well, with the red shows that it's scary and maybe a horror film. Also with the release date of the film in October it makes it even more of a horror film with hallooween, it wouldn't be a kind of movie you see at valentines day. The symbols in the poster are mainly the the flame, to do with fire. It's like that is the main attraction on the poster. With everything else in a black and white with a blue tint to it.
The poster is really effective and really unique in the way they have put the man over the top of the prison island. I think the audience for this film would be people who like Leonardo Dicaprio and people who like edgy films, And the way this poster protrays the film with the title format as well, with the red shows that it's scary and maybe a horror film. Also with the release date of the film in October it makes it even more of a horror film with hallooween, it wouldn't be a kind of movie you see at valentines day. The symbols in the poster are mainly the the flame, to do with fire. It's like that is the main attraction on the poster. With everything else in a black and white with a blue tint to it.
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