Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Different Forms Of Media Applications And The Best Application For Creating Graphics

Raster (Bitmap)

• Made of pixels; tiny dots or squares* of color

• Represents and edits photo and photo-like elements better than vector programs with the use of continuous tones. The use of different color pixels allows for smooth blends of colors.


• Is bound by the number of pixels in the image. It cannot be scaled up without losing quality.

•Large (dimension) & detailed images equal large file size

• Some service providers like engravers, stencil-cut signs, etc, must have vector art.

• It is more difficult to print raster images using a limited amount of spot colors

• Depending on the complexity of the image, conversion to vector may be time consuming


• Made of mathematical calculations that form objects and lines

• Can be scaled to any size without losing quality

• Resolution-independent: Can be printed at any resolution

• Number of colors can be easily increased or reduced to adjust printing budget.

• A large dimension vector graphic can maintain a small file size.

• Vector art is required by many service providers

Can be easily converted to raster


• It is not the best format for photographs or photo-like elements with blends of color - This link is were I got the advantages and disadvantages from these are really useful because it tells you which is the best for creating graphics and the different forms of applications used.

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