In today's lession we had to create a poster, that looked something like the expendables poster. I firstly looked at the background and got an image of a burning house which was on fire. We took picture of each individual person in the class and made them look like they were serious like you can see in the picture on the left. I then took out the colours of the clothes and died the hair of each person red, to make it stand out and make it unique. I then used contrast and the brightness of the black and white images, which made it look dim and dark.
I then in this picture re- arranged people, which I did two more of. I did the images on a green screen which was really helpful because when I went on Photoshop to edit them I could easily take out the background, by going on colour range and clicking on the green screen background. I added red colour on the hair of the other two people. With the hair I had to lower the capacity and the flow of the colour so that it blends in with the hair to make it look more realistic. I also added moustaches to the photographs to make them look more manly and scarier.
In this update of what I have been making adjustment and adding a title to the poster. To get the title like how it is I firstly had to go on dafont. com and choose a suitable text font for my title. Once I did that I then filled it with an orange. I then went on 3D and it created a shadow which I thought looked really effective and stood out from the rest of the group. I also used the burn and dodged tool to make the fire in the background look more visible and make it the first thing you see on the poster.You can't see it on the poster but I erased the remaining outline of green from the green screen around each image.
Finally My final poster, the final touches I made with it was I added the surnames from the actors names on the top, I also added a tag line which says don't be afraid of what you believe in. This statement is a kind of a twist because it makes the audience wounder what it means. I also added flames which I got off the internt but I had to copy and paste it the flame. I then got the stamp tool and put the flames at the side of the actors so it looked like they are in a circle of flames. I then got the stamp tool again did a brush size of 8 and did the tip of the title in flames. I then got a certificate of the movie off the internet and put it in the bottom right hand corner of the poster. This poster I think has an audience of teen to older people, who like action movies.
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