Friday, 30 November 2012

20 things to do on photoshop

 This was 20 things to do in photoshop, I started of with this image and I had to change it to what the word doctument which was designed for us to do step by step and in this blog you will be able to see how they have changed and how I did it. This image was the starting image.

In the 1st part I had to find the invert tool and invert the colours of the picture.

I then had to use the Gaussian Blur Filter and make the image look out of focus.

Then I Used the Bass Relief filter and then I saw what happened to the image when you apply it.

 Then I had to Convert the colours to black and white mode.

Make the image look like a photocopy without converting the colours to greyscale.

In Image adjust the Colour Balance and try to make your image look like Peppers CB.psd (provided).

Speed things up and apply a motion blur to your image.

Lets add a Film Grain to this image using the Artistic filter.

 Use the cloning stamp and clone part of the image

 This image is too peaceful.  Try adding some Noise.
Using the Paint Brush tool add some graffiti by writing your name.

 Add some dark strokes to image to make it look like an oil painting.

 Lets get artistic and wrap this picture in plastic.

Make the image look like a pixilated stained glass window by Crystallizing it.
 You’re fed up with this picture so rub part of it out with your eraser tool.
Add some Texture with some Mosaic Tiles.
 Type over the image and use layer style to apply a drop shadow to your text.
 Try adding a Diffused Glow for effect.
 Add a Lens Flare for added effect.
Last of all; turn the whole image upside down.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Photoshop Poster Development

 In today's lession we had to create a poster, that looked something like the expendables poster. I firstly looked at the background and got an image of a burning house which was on fire. We took picture of each individual person in the class and made them look like they were serious like you can see in the picture on the left. I then took out the colours of the clothes and died the hair of each person red, to make it stand out and make it unique. I then used contrast and the brightness of the black and white images, which made it look dim and dark.
 I then in this picture re- arranged people, which I did two more of. I did the images on a green screen which was really helpful because when I went on Photoshop to edit them I could easily take out the background, by going on colour range and clicking on the green screen background. I added red colour on the hair of the other two people. With the hair I had to lower the capacity and the flow of the colour so that it blends in with the hair to make it look more realistic. I also added moustaches to the photographs to make them look more manly and scarier.
 In this update of what I have been making adjustment and adding a title to the poster. To get the title like how it is I firstly had to go on dafont. com and choose a suitable text font for my title. Once I did that I then filled it with an orange. I then went on 3D and it created a shadow which I thought looked really effective and stood out from the rest of the group. I also used the burn and dodged tool to make the fire in the background look more visible and make it the first thing you see on the poster.You can't see it on the poster but I erased the remaining outline of green from the green screen around each image.
Finally My final poster, the final touches I made with it was I added the surnames from the actors names on the top, I also added a tag line which says don't be afraid of what you believe in. This statement is a kind of a twist because it makes the audience wounder what it means. I also added flames which I got off the internt but I had to copy and paste it the flame. I then got the stamp tool and put the flames at the side of the actors so it looked like they are in a circle of flames. I then got the stamp tool again did a brush size of 8 and did the tip of the title in flames. I then got a certificate of the movie off the internet and put it in the bottom right hand corner of the poster. This poster I think has an audience of teen to older people, who like action movies.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Poster 5 - Lovely Bones- Analyse

This is a really nice poster, because I like how they have put the girl in the background of it. I think in the poster it shows what happening in the film, like the girl has pasted away but cannot rest. The main focus of the poster is of the girl. 

The main colours of the poster is a dark purple and then a light orange. These are quiet relaxing colours and from the poster it looks like she is at peace with everything in her life.

With the poster there is a lot of foreknowledge to get the symbol of the poster. Like with the the birds coming out of the trees which look like they are heading to the sky. But then you see a young girl running from the tree like she has lost and needs to find something. Also you get the girl in the sky like she is in heaven, but then when you think of heave you think of a happy place but the girl isn't smiling which shows there is something on earth that she needs to sort out because she cannot rest.

The tagline of the poster "the story of your life and everything that comes after" is a kind of a mysterious tagline that when you think about it has got a deeper meaning to it that actual title. Which also is a mystery, because of how the lovely in it stands out from the rest of the title. I think the poster is effective because of how deep they have gone with the poster it shows that it's a complex film.

Poster 4 - Shutter Island - Analyse

In this poster you can see it's dark and looks misterious.  The tagline says someone is missing, and it makes the audience want to know more about the film. With the image the main focus of the poster is the match that is the brightest image which catches your eye.

The information on the poster has a lot of detail and gives a clear insight of what the film is about. I think the poster tells you alot about were the film is set and gives you an idea of what the film is about. With there so much going on in the film it shows that it's not a simple film and it's more complicated than you might think.

The poster is really effective and really unique in the way they have put the man over the top of the prison island. I think the audience for this film would be people who like Leonardo Dicaprio and people who like edgy films, And the way this poster protrays the film with the title format as well, with the red shows that it's scary and maybe a horror film. Also with the release date of the film in October it makes it even more of a horror film with hallooween, it wouldn't be a kind of movie you see at valentines day. The symbols in the poster are mainly the the flame, to do with fire. It's like that is the main attraction on the poster. With everything else in a black and white with a blue tint to it.

Poster 3 - One Flew over the cuckoos nest - analyse

On the poster of Over the cuckoo's nest you can distinctly see the main actors name of Jack Nicholson, this is because it will get more people to watch it, because of the well known actor and also a well known diector as well. Underneath the title it has a small paragraph saying about how it has won five academy awards, this is another way of getting people to watch it because more people will come and watch it if they have seen movies with the actor in it.
The main colours of the poster is red on the title, that the firstthing you see on the page, Then as you move down you see hangcoffs over the o's on the title, this gives you a bit of a clue of what the film is about without giving to much away. And as you get to the picture of the actor, Jack Nicholson you see that there is more to the movie, His hair is scuffy like he doesn't or can't look after himself. His facial expression looks like he doesn't know what's going on with the world. The poster looks phographically like they have just taken it.

I think the unique selling point of this poster is how simple it is, it has no background to it so you are jsut focusing on the picture on the poster, also with it winning 5 awards it also makes it a unique selling point as well. This film I think is aimed at adults who like Jack Nicholson or fans who have watched his other films, also people who like the diectors previous films. With the poster it doesn't give to much detail away which leads you to believe there might be something more to the film. I think the poster is aimed at older people though because it's dead simple and doesn't have vibrant colours and stands out more than other posters.

I think the poster wasn't that expensive to make simply because it's really simple and doesn't go into to much detail with the film. I also by looking at the poster, to me it looks more like an independent film, with it being simple and also having the 5 academy awards underneath the title.

The poster I don't think is very effensive, but I think once you have watched the movie you may understand the poster a bit more than what you did at the start. I think the poster is effective because it makes the audience want to know more about the film, the poster doesn't have any tag lines on it which makes it more unique.

Poster 2 - Mistery -analyse

In this poster you get the normal colour of what a horror film would consist of. Black, white and red colours. One glance of the poster and you no straight away that its a horror. The image is really dark shaded shadows, with a tiny bit of orange in the house. From the tiny bit of orange shows warning and power in the house.

 From the poster it gives a unique selling point towards it because from the poster it doesn't give to much away. All that it gives in the poster is a little house in the middle of no-where.The font of the poster doesn't give much away but it looks really sinister, and mysterious. Which is another way how to get more people luring in to watch the film. The shot of the poster is portrait to give the film character to it.

The audience is for teenagers to adults that like gory horror twisted film. Who like a bit of a jump. The  audience; from the poster you can obviously see that its a horror. The audience may have an idea of what its about because there was a book out of it. So because of this they may watch it because they liked the book. I also think that the audience will go and see the film because of the famous characters in the film.

poster 1 The Crazies - Annalise

In the poster there is really light colours, with a contrast of white and blue. So the movie is a miss misleading. From the poster I found that there is shading in the top right which shows that there is going to be trouble. There is also a bright yellow sticker which means warning. The sticker symbolizes that there is going to be trouble because in universal that what yellow represents. There is a bright light at the center of the page, this says that there is light at the end of the tunnel, or you can get out whilst you still can. In the background you can see the clouds, the colours of them from the left hand side goes from light to dark. something is luring in, it shows that it's a big film.

There is only on figure in the poster, which is of a girl, in the middle of the page. I think the figure of the girl done photographically, because it looks really modern and the light in the background goes with the little girl. The objects in the background are of building which, shows it a huge film, and the girl is standing there with a wide area of space with a gas mask on shows that she is alone and cannot trust anyone.

I think the audience for this film is for teenagers and older adults that like to watch gruesome horror films, even though the film is a bit miss leading, the font gives it away that it's a horror. 

In the poster the persuasive technique used to grab peoples attention is different from any other horror poster. with a normal horror poster you get dark colours, with red, black, and white colours. But with this poster it gives a more in-depth meaning, like it has more meaning that other films. You have to really look at the film to understand it. Because the picture is in a wide camera shot, you get to see the whole of the picture, this emphasizes on the film and gives it more character to the film and make it more unique, which makes people want to watch it. Making a film unique makes a film sell. Like in this film you wouldn't normally see a young girl with a gas mask on, in what looks like an ordinary street.

The clothing of the figure is really simple and light. When I look at the little girl, the clothing makes her look really innocent and really vulnerable to the outside world. The colour pink shows that she is really innocent and that she is a child as well, but when you look closer you can see she has a gas mask on and you then find that there is something deeper to the girl than there actually is. From the tag line you then find out that its something to do with a disease passing throughout a city or something, and once you read it you then begin to understand what the film is about.

Photoshop Challange- Editing A Poster Of Me

Today I used Photoshop to create a new poster of Bruno; I have done this by......

- Taking a picture of my face and resizing it to put it roughly the way he has.
- Then I used the hue saturation button and made my face a little more yellow.
- Lastly I rotated my face to make it more realistic.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The skin Tutorial Lession

Today in media I used the program photoshop. we had to make a the model (above) look better than she already did taking out her blemishes and airbrushing them, by using different tools on photoshop. Airbrushing really helps tidy up the face and reduce the blemishes. This really helped me learn more about the new photoshop and the different techniques which come with the program.

- firstly I duplicated the layer and made her skin look better by going on smart blur.
- then I used the brush to do the lips and her blusher and her eye shadow.
- then I used a smaller brush to do the eye lashes.
- lastly I used the brush tool and put the capacity up and changed the colour of the background.

Intoduction To Using Photoshop

In this media lession we had to make our self look better by using the different tools in photoshop, using the different techniques I lightened my face, and smoothed out my face to make it smoother. I also changed the colour of my eyes to make them a more lighter blue. I also airbrushed my hair and given it a highlighted tint of pink to it. I then took out the background and made it so that it had the background of me in it. I did this by holding cmd and press paste.  But I made it so that the first image that you see is the main center on.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Different Forms Of Media Applications And The Best Application For Creating Graphics

Raster (Bitmap)

• Made of pixels; tiny dots or squares* of color

• Represents and edits photo and photo-like elements better than vector programs with the use of continuous tones. The use of different color pixels allows for smooth blends of colors.


• Is bound by the number of pixels in the image. It cannot be scaled up without losing quality.

•Large (dimension) & detailed images equal large file size

• Some service providers like engravers, stencil-cut signs, etc, must have vector art.

• It is more difficult to print raster images using a limited amount of spot colors

• Depending on the complexity of the image, conversion to vector may be time consuming


• Made of mathematical calculations that form objects and lines

• Can be scaled to any size without losing quality

• Resolution-independent: Can be printed at any resolution

• Number of colors can be easily increased or reduced to adjust printing budget.

• A large dimension vector graphic can maintain a small file size.

• Vector art is required by many service providers

Can be easily converted to raster


• It is not the best format for photographs or photo-like elements with blends of color - This link is were I got the advantages and disadvantages from these are really useful because it tells you which is the best for creating graphics and the different forms of applications used.

Vectors And Raster Based Applications Research - This link tells me the applications of vectors such as illustrator and raster applications on photoshop.

Raster and Photoshop

First off, a raster graphic (also sometimes called a bitmap graphic, but not to be confused with the .bmp file format) is an image that's comprised of tiny blocks of colour called pixels. Zoom in close enough on a raster image, and it begins to pixelate, like a mosaic. Raster graphics are what we call "resolution dependent" images. Essentially what that means is that quality is always a concern. Without getting into a lengthy conversation about resolution and re-sampling, let's just keep it simple for now and say that resizing your raster graphics is where problems, sometimes major problems, arise.

Examples of raster-based images include photographs, scans, digital paintings, website components like buttons and header graphics, and any other image that's made up of a lot (like, millions) of colours. Raster-based file formats include JPEG, GIF, PSD, PNG, and a few others.
So if there's a bunch of up front know-how, why even bother with raster graphics? Cuz they're cool! And this is where Photoshop comes in. Photoshop is our raster image editor. This is where we'll be doing all our colour correction on our photographs, touching things up, or creating special effects (like putting two heads on your mother-in-law...I recall there's a menu command for that one). Conceptual artists, digital painters, and comic book artists also turn to Photoshop for a lot of their work, too. As a web designer, I constantly use Photoshop to help mock up layouts, create web interfaces, and develop a lot of graphical components for sites I'm working on. As you can see, Photoshop is very flexible.

Vector and Illustrator

we have the world of vector graphics. Unlike raster graphics, vector images are "resolution independent," meaning you and I don't have to worry about quality, pixels, resolution, or re-sampling. Rather than being based on pixels, vector graphics are based on mathematical lines and curves. Of course, this is where Illustrator comes into play. And what I love so much about Illustrator is I can take something I've created, like a cartoon, and I can scale it larger or smaller, and not give a second thought to quality. A vector graphic is always top quality. Usually, but not always, vector graphics are images that are comprised of solid blocks of colour, like a cartoon, a company logo, or a block of text. So who's making use of Illustrator? Graphic designers, visual artists, apparel companies, and even technical illustrators. Vector-based file formats include AI, SVG, and Flash's FLA and SWF.

Vector vs. Bitmap 
Programs like MS Paint and Photo Shop are both bitmap applications, treating the images you work with as a fixed-size resource made up of a fixed number of dots, or pixels. Once a line or curve or piece of text has been 'committed' to the canvas you cannot go back and change it without undoing and starting over again.
Also, since the information in a picture is represented by dots, you cannot enlarge the image without exaggerating the effect of these dots and making the picture look jagged. One advantage of using this scheme is that scanned photographs are always represented as bitmaps (the detail in the average photograph is way too complex to be represented as vectors), so if you want to work with these items you'll need a bitmap based program. Another advantage is the mathematical functions that can be performed on a bitmap, such as averaging the pixels to create a blur, or edge detection routines that emboss.
Vector based applications such as Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator treat images as collections of vectors and shapes. A line would have a starting point, direction and length, a rectangle would have a starting point, width and height, circles would have a center and radius, and so on. After drawing a rectangle you can go back and change its width and height, bring it to the foreground or send it to the background, even after other shapes had been drawn on top of it later. When saved to file, vector images also take up less disk space, since, for example in the case of a rectangle, the program is only storing four numbers no matter what its size: the x and y starting point, plus the width and height. In comparison, a bitmap application would have to store colour information for the 10,000 pixels that make up a 100x100 pixel rectangle.
Another advantage of Vector based applications is that you can re-size the final image to be as large or as small as you like and never obscure the detail with jagged edges.

Graphics Meta Files Research - this information is from a link and it basically told me what meta files is and what types of files it can go in.

Definition: Metafiles are graphics that contain both raster and vector data. For example, a vector image that contains an object which has a bitmap pattern applied as a fill, would be a metafile. The object is still a vector, but the fill attribute consists of bitmap data. Common metafle formats include WMF (Windows Metafile), EMF (Enhanced Metafile), and CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile). - This is were I got the information below from, I thought it was really relevent information because it explains what meta files are and what they do. And why they are useful.

A metafile is a file containing information that describes or specifies another file.

Microsoft uses this term for its Windows Metafile (WMF) format. A WMF file contains a sequence of graphical-device-interface (GDI) function calls ("commands" to the Windows operating system ) that results in the presentation of a graphic image. Some of the function calls are equivalent to vector graphics statements and others identify stored bitmap or literal specifications of which bits to illuminate ( raster graphics images). Using WMF files rather than already-built bitmaps saves space when many bitmaps are used repeatedly by different components of the operating system or of an application. The WMF file assumes a 16-bit operating system. Microsoft has an enhanced metafile (EMF) format for its 32-bit operating systems. Microsoft's clipboard (CLP) file can contain a WMF file, an EMF file, or a bitmap (BMP) format file.
Another example of a metafile is the Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). The CGM file format is a standard ( American National Standards Institute -approved) format that can be used on any operating system that supports it (unlike the WMF format which is designed only for Windows). The CGM file is commonly used in CAD and presentation graphics applications.
In general, there are tools (such as HiJaak) that will convert the WMF, EMF, and CGM formats into other formats.

Part 2- Graphic File Formats Research - This link is for my PNG research and it tells me what it's about and what it's used for, on this website there is some information which I have took out and put underneath.

PNG (Portable Network Graphic)

Image file stored in the Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format; contains a bitmap of indexed colors and uses lossless compression, similar to a .GIF file but without copyright limitations; commonly used to store graphics for Web images.
The PNG format was created in response to limitations with the GIF format, primarily to increase color support and to provide an image format without a patent license. Additionally, while GIF images only support fully opaque or fully transparent pixels, PNG images may include an 8-bit transparency channel, which allows the image colors to fade from opaque to transparent.
PNG images cannot be animated like GIF images. However, the related .MNG format can be animated. PNG images do not provide CMYK color support because they are not intended for use with professional graphics. PNG images are now supported by most Web browsers.

On this link it tells you about PSD and what it is used for. And what different programs relate to this

PSD is Photoshop's native file format, sometimes it's called PDD. PSD or PDD is a widely accepted file format. PSD supports all available image modes (Bitmap, Grayscale, Duotone, Indexed Color, RGB, CMYK, Lab, and Multichannel).
The PSD format is extremely useful as it can support duotones, clipping paths and channels. Moreover, PSD offers a unique feature - it supports layers while every other format must be flattened on export. Any program that supports PSDs directly can then leverage this layer information. Saving as layered images is quite handy as it allows to edit different parts of an image at a later date far easier.
Photoshop can convert PSD files to other fromat one by one. If you want to convert PSD to TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP in batch use the most powerful Total Image Converter.

Raster And Vector Research - I thought this link was very useful, and a good piece of research to use because it gives you the disadvantages and advantages of Raster and Vector, and it tells you what they are best used for. It also gives you useful knowledge  and understanding of what they are.

Raster images are made of pixels. A pixel is a single point or the smallest single component in a display device. Let's think of them as little tiny squares* or dots of color or shade.
Vector images are mathematical calculations from one point to another that form geometrical shapes. Vector graphics also display an outline or wireframe view and this is very important for certain processes.
When a raster image is scaled up, it usually loses quality. A raster image can be enlarged by either adding more pixels (which Photoshop randomly - but smartly - adds) or enlarging the size of the pixel. Either way you are spreading the original data over a larger area at the risk of losing clarity.
A vector program will use a mathematical formula to build an image that can be scaled to any size without losing quality. Raster images are also called Bitmap images, pixels are also called dots, and dots-per-inch (dpi) sometimes called pixels-per-inch (ppi) although technically they have distinct meaning I may use those terms interchangeably in this website.
Raster images' dimensions are measured in pixels. Because raster images cannot be enlarged without losing quality, different suppliers have specific size requirements for their processes; they require a specific pixel resolution: a specific amount of pixels within each inch. The amount of pixels within each inch in the image represents the image pixel resolution or ppi (pixels per inch).

Part 1- Graphic File Formats Rearch - This link is were I got this information from, for my research about the range of graphic file extensions and the graphic file formats, I have read this information and I thought that it was relevant for my research because it explains what they are.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

The CompuServe GIF is commonly used to upload documents to the CompuServe Information Service and to pass documents between other types of computers. The idea behind designing GIF files was to create the smallest possible image file for uploading and downloading from electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), thus producing a highly compressed format that minimizes file transfer time over phone lines. The compression is accomplished by using the LZW method for indexed color tables.
There are two GIF file versions: 87a and 89a.
Both versions may use an encoding method referred to as interlacing. When an image is saved by using four passes instead of just one, it is called interlacing. On each pass, certain lines of the image are saved to the file. If the program decoding a GIF file displays the image as it is decoded, the user will be able to see the four passes of the decoding cycle. This will allow the user to get a good idea of what the image will look like before even half of the image is decoded. Most communication programs (for BBSs and the InterNet) allow the user to download GIF files and view them as they are downloaded. If the image is interlaced, the user will be able to decide if the image is one they like before half of the download is complete. If the user does not like the image, the download can be aborted. This results in the saving of time and money for the person downloading the image.
GIF files may contain multiple images. 

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

JPEG compression economizes on the way data is stored and also identifies and discards extra data, that is, information beyond what the human eye can see.
Because it discards data, the JPEG algorithm is referred to as "lossy". This means that once an image has been compressed and then decompressed, it will not be identical to the original image. In most cases, the difference between the original and compressed version of the image is indistinguishable.
In general, compressed JPEG images have compression ratios of between 5:1 and 15:1. A trade-off does exist between the image quality and the amount of compression. You do not need to decompress images saved in the JPEG format. They are automatically decompressed when they are opened.

TIFF(Tagged-Image file Format)

Tagged-Image File Format (TIFF) is used mainly for exchanging documents between different applications and different computer platforms.
The Tagged Image File Format was primarily designed to become the standard format. In order to become the standard, the format was designed to handle just about any possibility. The result of this design provided the flexibility of an infinite number of possibilities of how a TIFF image can be saved.
As a result, no application at all can claim to support all TIFF variations. Some professional applications support many TIFF variations, but there will always be an obscure variation that will cause a problem for some application.
The TIFF format uses 6 different encoding routines:
- No-compression
- Huffman
- Pack Bits
- Fax Group 3
- Fax Group 4
In addition it differentiates between types of images in 3 different categories:
- Black and white
- Gray scaled
- Colored
The TIFF format supports LZW method compression for image types.
(This is the same compression used by the
GIF format for indexed color.)