Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Final Poster Evaluation

This is my final poster, What I have done is put a drop shadow on the title so that it stands out more, I did this by going on layer style and click on drop shadow. I then moved the tag line and removed one of the reviews. I then moved everything to the right so that it gave it that diagonal effect. I also put the paragraph of the film making to the left hand size and put it out of the way. I am really pleased with my poster and I feel I have achieved a lot by making it.

The main colours I have chosen for my poster is mainly black and a tinted white, I have chosen these colours because it shows the contrast between the good and the evil. I also put a gradient filter on the poster so that it looks like the evil in coming into the picture and taking over gradually, that is what I wanted the image to portray to my target audience.

In the poster I used the mirror as a symbol  so that it looks like he is in control of the whole situation. I did this by getting a picture and editing it into the mirror so it looks like Myles is looking into it. I then had to stamp the background of the background of what I used and put it onto the mirror I then put a light gradient onto the background to give it that light effect which you get on a mirror. Also in the poster I made it like an never ending cycle which when you look more closely you will be able to see. What I have done is because he has two totally different personalities I have done it so that its a never ending cycle to it because he can't get out of it because they are both him. So what I have done is I have put glass  in front of the image, and no glass on the mirror, so it makes the audience wanting to know more about the film.

I think with the poster I have created you have to really look into it to try and get what it's about. This poster I have done is different to everyone else because it's got a lot of detail and you have to properly get the picture unlike some were you can instantly see what its about. Also my poster looks like it has a good storyline to it, with the way there is loads of things going on. I think my target audience would be a wide range of people ages from 15 and over because its a horror and is on at the movies at Halloween time.  The tag line  of my poster is really twisted and makes you wounder whats going to happen. It makes people think and makes it play in there mind until they go and watch it to find out what happens.

With my poster I'm going to place it on a billboard and on the side of a bus and on the internet. I am going to put it in these places to get a vary of audiences and to get it known to everyone, because of the time it comes out its going to a lot of competition with the other horror films that are going to be on at this time so I have tried to make my poster look more unique, and not give to much away on the poster, to get people drawn in and watch the movie. With the poster the pleasures that come with it are the two different personalities which are totally different, you no from the poster that there is going to be a lot of action and horror involved.

 I used my Idea from one poster idea to create this my final. I firstly took a series of photographs which you can see on my blog , then I got a picture of a mirror.  I had to do a gradient fill on the mirror to make it more realistic to make it look like a mirror and to fit with the image. I also had to edit the photograph of the background to make it look like the photo was in the same room. I had to edit the face to make it look more evil. I have edited the title onto the photo. I did this by (OCR A Std) font. I have also used a tagline saying " there are two types to every secret. I have also added the date when it's going to be released. I have also done some reviews of  the size I have yet decide about the style of writing I am going to use for the review of the poster. I have also used a gradient filter so you can see the light to the darkness, because of the evil and the innocence within the poster.

With the poster I can see that some people make take an alternative reading to it by it being hallucinating  and looking in the mirror but from what people have said about the poster there hasn't been any miss understanding of it.

How Effective My Poster Is
The tagline of the poster "there are two sides two every story" is a kind of a mysterious tagline that when you think about it has got a deeper meaning to it that actual title and makes you drawn into the movie. The way the word 'two' is spelt instead of 'too' is quite unusual and makes you want to know why it is done like that. The amount of depth that the poster has shows that it is a complex film, for example the breaking of the glass on the poster apart from the mirror itself. I don't think it's one of them posters that you can just look at.  I like the fact that in the poster it has a red bold title to show the horror side, to show that it is going to be gruesome. release date of the film in October it makes it even more of a horror film with hallooween, it wouldn't be a kind of movie you see at valentines day. 

Influences I Had
Influences I had was one that I analysed which was shutter Island. The reason for it was the dark colours that it uses. And how the poster uses the red text to stand out. and the white text for the rest of the words. I used this format for my poster because I thought it looks effective and also it has a mysterious feel to the colours. I also got some influence from the poster lovely bones, what I liked about this poster is how the colours in one part is quite bright at the top and then it starts to go down to a dark colour like there is more to the story.

Different shades for my poster

 I have put a glass effect which I got off the internet and put it onto the poster which I thought looked really effective I have tried different modes to see which one looked better. In this poster I used the overlay filter.
 In this poster I used the mode linear light mode. Which made it really light but gave it that shadow effect to it which I thought looked really good. 
 In this poster I used the mode linear burn mode. Which made it really dark but gave it that mysterious effect which I thought looked really good. 

What I have done so far on my poster

From my last lession I have edited the title onto the photo. I did this by (OCR A Std) font. I have also used a tagline saying " there are two types to every secret. I have also added the date when it's going to be released. I have also done some reviews of  the size I have yet decide about the style of writing I am going to use for the review of the poster. I have also used a gradient filter so you can see the light to the darkness, because of the evil and the innocence within the poster.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Photograph For My Poster

This is my picture which I have done for my final poster I used my Idea one poster idea to create this. I firstly took a series of photographs which you can see on an older poster on my blog, then I got a picture of a mirror.  I had to do a gradient fill on the mirror to make it more realistic to make it look like a mirror. I also had to edit the photograph of the background to make it look like the photo was in the same room. I had to edit the face to make it look more  evil and rebelish.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Ideas For My Tag Line






Differnt Designs Of Fonts Of My Final Title Idea

My Film Poster Proposal

My film Poster Proposal
Working title
The title of my film is going to be called “shattered” I have chosen this word for my title because it is relevant to my story line. Shattered in my film is to do with mirrors. My film is going to be about a schizophrenic person who has two sides to him. The first side of him is really nice and goes out to nightclubs and pubs and get girls to come back to his house for a couple of more drinks. Then when the time is right the other personality come out and he is dark and uses different weapons to kill the victims. This film is going to be based in a nice neighbourhood, were everyone thinks the man is nice and very caring; no one knows his other side. 

Medium to be used
With my film I’m going to use Photoshop and a video camera and a SLR. I am using these to create my film I want to use Photoshop because I want to get the best out of my images. For the film poster and make it so that it has got lighting on one side of it and then darker, so that you can distinctly see the two personalities coming together. I am also using adobe illustrator for my title screen because I feel that I need to understand more about how the program works and what I can do on it.  I’m using the SLR camera so that I get the best quality picture I can for my film poster instead of using a compact camera that doesn’t give the best quality of the picture.

Intended Audience
My intended audience is going to be teenagers and to people whom like to watch horror type films, or ones with a twist to it. I have put my film to a age range of over 15 because it will have some graphic images and it will be quiet graphic and some bits disturbing. Also the story line will be quiet complex so you will have to watch it all the way though to get the ending. I have also done some research and have found that films like my with a disability order in it are over 15 certificate; like for example the crazies is a 15 certificate.  This is because younger teens don’t really know a lot about certain disorders and make be affected by it. It will also have violence and some mild sex references in it, which will be inappropriate for people under the age of 15 years.

Indication of the style
My indication of style of my poster is going to be dark colours with a bit of shadow on it so it makes it look like a mysterious character, also I’m going to have a grey title because it adds to the mystery with the fog type colour. My indication of style will have lighting on part of the poster so it looks like the poster is split into two pieces.

Summary of the contrast
Basically it’s a man who has two personalities one really friendly and the other one is evil and goes on a killing spree. The man goes and gets girls not knowing that the dominant one comes out and kills whomever he is with. Everyone in the neighbourhood knows him as a nice person they don’t know the real him. In the film it’s going to be natural lighting when it in the day and when the other personality comes out it starts to get darker lighting and some dark background music. Then when they are contrasting going in and out of different personalities you start to see the power of the darker personality getting more dominate.

Length or size of the product
 The size of my product is going to be A4 poster, but the image size and quality is going to be high resolution so that I can put it on billboards and size of buses.

Different types of fonts - exercise

Monday, 3 December 2012

futher research into my ideas

Setting of horror films:

These are some of the places from my research were most horror films are set. These are mostly deserted places.

Types of killers in horror films:

I found out that all the killers from my research, have the evil face to it. Or look creepy in the film.

Types of items used in horror films:

These items are what are normally used in horror films. These are what I have found on the internet.

Friday, 30 November 2012

20 things to do on photoshop

 This was 20 things to do in photoshop, I started of with this image and I had to change it to what the word doctument which was designed for us to do step by step and in this blog you will be able to see how they have changed and how I did it. This image was the starting image.

In the 1st part I had to find the invert tool and invert the colours of the picture.

I then had to use the Gaussian Blur Filter and make the image look out of focus.

Then I Used the Bass Relief filter and then I saw what happened to the image when you apply it.

 Then I had to Convert the colours to black and white mode.

Make the image look like a photocopy without converting the colours to greyscale.

In Image adjust the Colour Balance and try to make your image look like Peppers CB.psd (provided).

Speed things up and apply a motion blur to your image.

Lets add a Film Grain to this image using the Artistic filter.

 Use the cloning stamp and clone part of the image

 This image is too peaceful.  Try adding some Noise.
Using the Paint Brush tool add some graffiti by writing your name.

 Add some dark strokes to image to make it look like an oil painting.

 Lets get artistic and wrap this picture in plastic.

Make the image look like a pixilated stained glass window by Crystallizing it.
 You’re fed up with this picture so rub part of it out with your eraser tool.
Add some Texture with some Mosaic Tiles.
 Type over the image and use layer style to apply a drop shadow to your text.
 Try adding a Diffused Glow for effect.
 Add a Lens Flare for added effect.
Last of all; turn the whole image upside down.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Photoshop Poster Development

 In today's lession we had to create a poster, that looked something like the expendables poster. I firstly looked at the background and got an image of a burning house which was on fire. We took picture of each individual person in the class and made them look like they were serious like you can see in the picture on the left. I then took out the colours of the clothes and died the hair of each person red, to make it stand out and make it unique. I then used contrast and the brightness of the black and white images, which made it look dim and dark.
 I then in this picture re- arranged people, which I did two more of. I did the images on a green screen which was really helpful because when I went on Photoshop to edit them I could easily take out the background, by going on colour range and clicking on the green screen background. I added red colour on the hair of the other two people. With the hair I had to lower the capacity and the flow of the colour so that it blends in with the hair to make it look more realistic. I also added moustaches to the photographs to make them look more manly and scarier.
 In this update of what I have been making adjustment and adding a title to the poster. To get the title like how it is I firstly had to go on dafont. com and choose a suitable text font for my title. Once I did that I then filled it with an orange. I then went on 3D and it created a shadow which I thought looked really effective and stood out from the rest of the group. I also used the burn and dodged tool to make the fire in the background look more visible and make it the first thing you see on the poster.You can't see it on the poster but I erased the remaining outline of green from the green screen around each image.
Finally My final poster, the final touches I made with it was I added the surnames from the actors names on the top, I also added a tag line which says don't be afraid of what you believe in. This statement is a kind of a twist because it makes the audience wounder what it means. I also added flames which I got off the internt but I had to copy and paste it the flame. I then got the stamp tool and put the flames at the side of the actors so it looked like they are in a circle of flames. I then got the stamp tool again did a brush size of 8 and did the tip of the title in flames. I then got a certificate of the movie off the internet and put it in the bottom right hand corner of the poster. This poster I think has an audience of teen to older people, who like action movies.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Poster 5 - Lovely Bones- Analyse

This is a really nice poster, because I like how they have put the girl in the background of it. I think in the poster it shows what happening in the film, like the girl has pasted away but cannot rest. The main focus of the poster is of the girl. 

The main colours of the poster is a dark purple and then a light orange. These are quiet relaxing colours and from the poster it looks like she is at peace with everything in her life.

With the poster there is a lot of foreknowledge to get the symbol of the poster. Like with the the birds coming out of the trees which look like they are heading to the sky. But then you see a young girl running from the tree like she has lost and needs to find something. Also you get the girl in the sky like she is in heaven, but then when you think of heave you think of a happy place but the girl isn't smiling which shows there is something on earth that she needs to sort out because she cannot rest.

The tagline of the poster "the story of your life and everything that comes after" is a kind of a mysterious tagline that when you think about it has got a deeper meaning to it that actual title. Which also is a mystery, because of how the lovely in it stands out from the rest of the title. I think the poster is effective because of how deep they have gone with the poster it shows that it's a complex film.

Poster 4 - Shutter Island - Analyse

In this poster you can see it's dark and looks misterious.  The tagline says someone is missing, and it makes the audience want to know more about the film. With the image the main focus of the poster is the match that is the brightest image which catches your eye.

The information on the poster has a lot of detail and gives a clear insight of what the film is about. I think the poster tells you alot about were the film is set and gives you an idea of what the film is about. With there so much going on in the film it shows that it's not a simple film and it's more complicated than you might think.

The poster is really effective and really unique in the way they have put the man over the top of the prison island. I think the audience for this film would be people who like Leonardo Dicaprio and people who like edgy films, And the way this poster protrays the film with the title format as well, with the red shows that it's scary and maybe a horror film. Also with the release date of the film in October it makes it even more of a horror film with hallooween, it wouldn't be a kind of movie you see at valentines day. The symbols in the poster are mainly the the flame, to do with fire. It's like that is the main attraction on the poster. With everything else in a black and white with a blue tint to it.

Poster 3 - One Flew over the cuckoos nest - analyse

On the poster of Over the cuckoo's nest you can distinctly see the main actors name of Jack Nicholson, this is because it will get more people to watch it, because of the well known actor and also a well known diector as well. Underneath the title it has a small paragraph saying about how it has won five academy awards, this is another way of getting people to watch it because more people will come and watch it if they have seen movies with the actor in it.
The main colours of the poster is red on the title, that the firstthing you see on the page, Then as you move down you see hangcoffs over the o's on the title, this gives you a bit of a clue of what the film is about without giving to much away. And as you get to the picture of the actor, Jack Nicholson you see that there is more to the movie, His hair is scuffy like he doesn't or can't look after himself. His facial expression looks like he doesn't know what's going on with the world. The poster looks phographically like they have just taken it.

I think the unique selling point of this poster is how simple it is, it has no background to it so you are jsut focusing on the picture on the poster, also with it winning 5 awards it also makes it a unique selling point as well. This film I think is aimed at adults who like Jack Nicholson or fans who have watched his other films, also people who like the diectors previous films. With the poster it doesn't give to much detail away which leads you to believe there might be something more to the film. I think the poster is aimed at older people though because it's dead simple and doesn't have vibrant colours and stands out more than other posters.

I think the poster wasn't that expensive to make simply because it's really simple and doesn't go into to much detail with the film. I also by looking at the poster, to me it looks more like an independent film, with it being simple and also having the 5 academy awards underneath the title.

The poster I don't think is very effensive, but I think once you have watched the movie you may understand the poster a bit more than what you did at the start. I think the poster is effective because it makes the audience want to know more about the film, the poster doesn't have any tag lines on it which makes it more unique.