Thursday, 13 September 2012

Using Adobe Illustrator CS6

In the first week of the course we have been using the program illustrator, from this program I have achieved to use a more range of tools, even though I used the program last year when I did Media in A levels, by doing this piece of work I have been able to get a better understanding of the program and produce a piece of work I didn’t think I could do.

How I created my work was by first taking a picture of myself on the mac and uploading it on adobe illustrator CS6. Once I did that I then started to get to no the tools a bit more by experimenting with them on the picture.  Once I got use to them I then put my picture in place to were I wanted it on the screen which was in the centre of the page, one I did that, I grabbed the pen tool and started on the to go round my hair, when I went all the way round I got the eye dropper tool and matched it to my hair colour so that I could just colour it in a paint form style( as you can see from the picture on the right).

After I finished the hair I started to work on the facial features like the colour of the face, this was very tricky because of the light my face was different types of shade so I had to use the eye dropper tool quite a lot to get the shade I wanted. Also the eyes took me a long time because it was tricky to get the pen tool in the right shape. Then once I finished the eyes I used the straight line tool and the arc tool to do my nose, it was really hard to choose which type of nose fitted my face but I ended up using the whole nose instead of just the nostril’s. I also used the straight-line tool for the eye lashes for my eyes, this part was really fiddly but the outcome was worth it.  Then I moved on by doing my lips, I didn't want my lips to be all one colour because there was a bit of shadow on them so I again used the eye dropper tool and got a darker shade of pink for the middle part.

As you can see in the picture on the above, you can tell that my neck doesn’t fit with the picture; this is because I had to use layers and had to switch and move layers up and down so that they fitted the picture. Once I messed about with illustrator and corrected it I started on my clothing doing the same technique I did with my facial features and hair, using the pen tool and the eyedropper tool. ( as you can see from the picture on the right).

Finally I did the background of my self portrait, I didn’t so that you can’t see the people behind me and also so that I’m the main focus the first thing you see as you look to the picture. I made the background blur by going on effects at the top then go down to blur and then press on Gaussian blur. ( as you can see from the picture on the left).

 I did try to use a range of tools but for this task I could only use a limited amount, because I still need to get more use to the program, but the tools I have used I have found that they are more easier to use than when I first used them.

Pen Tool                                  Eyedropper Tool                                                      Arc Tool